Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Foreclosure Robo-Signer Speaks Out

Tam Doan says that he didn't have time to actually read the paperwork he was signing, and in some cases, he didn't even know what documents he was putting his pen to.It only took him a second to sign each foreclosure document.That's how good Tam Doan got at his job in Bank of America's pre-sale foreclosure department in Southern California. Read the full sto...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tea Party Candidate Says, Black Men Prefer Drug Dealing To Education

Al Reynolds is considered the Tea Party candidate in Illinois' 52nd District. He has stated publicly that African American men preferred dealing drugs to going to college because it is easier. "I've been in the city and the dichotomy of the women and the men in the minorities, there is a difference in the fact that most minority women, either the single parent or coming from a poor neighborhood, are...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

1 Gun Store Sells Guns Tied To 2,500 Crimes

Since 1992, more than 2,500 guns recovered by police and tied to crimes in the Washington D.C. area have been traced back to their original sale at Realco Guns in Forestville, Md. The total is four times that of the dealer with the next highest number of gun traces.A Washington Post investigation found that a small percentage of gun stores sell most of the weapons recovered by police in crimes. This...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Will Obama Sign Bill Making It Harder To Challenge Foreclosures

Challenging foreclosures could become more difficult for homeowners if the president signs a bill that passed through the Senate last week. The little-noticed bill comes at a time when the validity of foreclosure proceedings across the nation have been called into question.Read the full story.The White House stated that they have some concerns about the bill that easily passed in the House and Senate with little public attention according to Reuters. Read why the the White House has concerns about...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Discrimination Causes African Americans To Suffer Disproportionately From Foreclosures

African Americans suffer more disproportionately with foreclosures than others due to predatory lending practices and discrimination according to a new study.The new study (pdf file) is called,"Racial Segregation and the American Foreclosure Crisi...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Police Shoot And Kill Unarmed, Handcuffed Black Man In Back

As a group of young men questioned why they were being detained on an Oakland, CA train platform, and grew irate when they saw a transit officer manhandle one of their friends, Oscar Grant tried to reassure them everything was going to be OK."'Just be cool,'" Jackie Bryson recalled Grant saying to him. "'We are going home tonight.'"Grant, 22, never made it home. He was shot and killed by officer Johannes...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Top 200 Jobs Based On Top Salary Earned

The 200 jobs are listed based on the average top salary earned for the position. The list starts out with the job paying the highest amount (Surgeons) and ends with the position which pays the lowest amount (Dishwasher). The list does not include celebrity and professional athlete jobs like actors, baseball players, singers, etc....

200 Jobs Organized by Top Salary 1

The 200 jobs are listed based on the average top salary for the position. The list starts out with the job paying the lowest amount (Dishwasher) and ends with the position which pays the highest amount (Surgeon)....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Historic Picture Of Slave Children For Sale Found In Attic

This photograph of two slave children and an accompanying document were purchased at a garage sale in Charlotte, North Carolina.This photograph is rare because so many photos of slaves showed them in submissive positions, illustrating the brutality of their condition, and some even showing the scars on their backs from whippings.One thing is for sure about this photograph. It does not show a hint...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wake Up! Stats About Black Males

It should be easy to understand why many people believe that the more things change for blacks in America, the more things stay the same. It will be a good day in America when blacks do not fare the worst or toward the bottom in categories such as education, housing, health care, incarceration, income, and employment. The statistics on black males below are staggering. On another note, black women who are more reluctant to date and marry outside of their race than women of other races do not have...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marriage And Divorce In America - In Black And White

Marriage and divorce in America are statistics that are almost impossible to find based on race. Interestingly, marriage and divorce are not two categories where blacks are always on the bottom and whites are on the top. Since marriage in some states is as young as 15 years old, the U.S. Census calculates the marriage and divorce data below based on people in the U.S. who are 15 years old or older. The numbers are below are from the U.S. Census Bureau SIPP, 2004 Panel. The results below show percentages...

Mystery Man Wins S.C. Democratic Senate Primary

This is history in the making. A brother named Alvin Green actually ran in the Democratic Senate primary without making his identity known during the campaign. He is an unemployed military veteran who did not set up a campaign website or raise funds for his campaign. Alvin Green spent 13 years in the Air Force and Army before leaving the Army in August.Green could not explain his win against a four...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Surgery For Back Pain Rarely Cures

The shocking question came from a respected spine surgeon tracked down by Keith Swenson, who was still in severe pain after an earlier back operation.He didn't know what to believe. Two other surgeons had urged more operations, different ones.And Swenson, who's from Howard Lake, Minn., is far from alone. Even though only a fraction of people with back pain are good candidates for surgery, complicated spine operations are on the rise.So is the hunt for any relief.By one recent estimate, Americans...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Marrying Between Races - See The Numbers

In 1967,the U.S. Supreme Court struck down state laws banning interracial marriage. A record 14.6% of all new marriages in the U.S. in 2008 were between people of different races or ethnicity. The percentage was 6.7% in 1980 according to a Pew Research Study. It took nearly 28 years for intermarriages of newlyweds to double. Rate of increase from 1980 thu 2008 of intermarriages as a group.Blacks - tripled Whites - doubled Asians - the same Latinos - the same Percentage of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics,...

Arizona Elementary School Will Whiten Faces Of Mural - UPDATE

An elementary school in Arizona called Miller Valley Elementary School hired artists to work on a school mural. The mural project caused a lot of racial controversy as well as a racial debate. The “Go on Green” mural covers two walls outside Miller Valley Elementary School, and it aims to advertise a campaign for environmentally friendly transportation. It features portraits of four children, and...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Police Punished For Stopping Doctor En Route To Hospital For Delivery Of Baby

Two Pulaski, TN Police officers involved with the arrest of Doctor Terry Wynn on May 5 have been suspended without pay."Simply put, they did not weigh the actions of Doctor Wynn versus the immediate medical attention that was needed for her patient," Police Chief John Dickey told the Board of Mayor and Alderman.The City of Pulaski called in an outside law firm to investigate the arrest. According...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Defendant Miranda Rights Eroded

The Supreme Court by the typical 5 to 4 vote with the same justices usually falling into the same camp deciding that a suspect will now have to clearly declare that he wants to remain silent and cannot simply be silent during questioning.The court addressed what happens when a suspect declines to answer hours of questions, then makes a potentially incriminating statement and later says he had wanted to remain silent and that his statement was not made freely.With the new ruling, a suspect must be...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Venus Williams Wears Lace Tennis Outfit

Venus Williams has done it again. She has people talking about another self designed tennis outfit. This one was made for the French Open. For her opening two games of the tournament which were both wins, Venus choose a lace outfit with skin tone body shorts which look as though she is not wearing anything under her tennis outfit. She also designed the undershorts.Anyone who follows the sport of tennis...

High Risk Black Patients Targeted For Unapproved Use Of Drugs

The Huffington Post reported that in a stunning whistleblower lawsuit, the world's largest pharmaceutical company is being sued over the dangerous practice of illegally promoting a kidney transplant drug for unapproved uses -- and targeting African-Americans, even though they are at high risk of complications.Pfizer Rapamune is a giant in the pharmaceutical industry; however, they should know that...

One Of Top Companies For Working Moms Must Pay $250 Million For Gender Discrimination

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. must pay $250 million for gender discrimination. The class action lawsuit was filed by 5,600 current and former female sales representatives for Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. who charged that the company discriminated against its female employees in pay, promotional opportunities and pregnancy-related issues. The ruling is in regard to a class-action lawsuit originally filed in 2004. The jury of four men and five women found Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. engaged...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

N.Y. Firefighters Who Won Discrimination Case May End Up Losing

Former New York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau has been selected by a federal judge as a special master to help force the city to improve the hiring of black firefighters. He is 90 years of age.This is the same person that as DA of New York, consistently was involved in cases spanning his 35 years in the position where minority men were killed, shot, or attacked by the police rarely received...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whites Now 95K Richer On Average Than African Americans

The Brandeis's Institute on Assets and Social Policy reviewed data from the years 1984 to 2007. The results while not surprising are disturbing if you are African American in America and thought that as a group, the wealth gap was closing.Their report mentions that one quarter of African American families do not have any financial assets to protect themselves from financial ruin. The average white...

Apple Refuses Cash For iPad

Diane Campbell saved up her money and went to Apple to buy an iPad. She was not allowed to buy the iPad. She was told that the store only accepts a debit card or credit card for purchases of iPads.Of course she thought that the employees at the Palo Alto store were kidding. An employee explained to her that the policy was Apple's way of reducing piracy customers who are interested in buying large...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Indiana Congressman Resigns After Extramarital Affair Exposed

A Congressman from Indiana has resigned because he had an extramarital affair with a woman working for him. The Republican, Mark Souder was elected to Congress on a family values platform.The Congressman was known as a hard line conservative that promoted family values as well as abstinence education. It appears as though he did not believe in abstinence for his staffer. Hopefully, others that consider...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Top 20 Growing Jobs By Employees From 2008 thru 2018

For individuals that are not interested in attending college, there are jobs that will be available in the future that will not require a 4 year college degree.Below is a list of the occupations that are projected to hire the most employees between the years 2008 and 2018....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Google Search For President Obama Is

When doing a Google search, you never would imagine that doing a search for President Obama is would turn up such ridiculous results. A Google search for President Bush is results in the listing below. 1. is an alien2. what is he doing now 3. why he is a bad person 4. iss...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

History Of Facebook Privacy

Facebook has been constantly changing their policies regarding privacy. They believe that Facebook users should be willing to share more about themselves.Facebook CEO, Mark Mark Zuckerberg announced that in his view, the age of privacy is over. Thanks to Matt McKeon, the charts below clearly show Facebook's privacy policy and how it has evolved over the years....

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Seattle Detective Apologizes For Racial Slur Caught On Video

A Seattle police officer offered a tearful apology after being caught on camera kicking an innocent man and using a racial epithet.The video shows a group of officers standing around three men who are lying on the ground. Seattle Police Detective Shandy Cobane shouts, "I'm going to beat the [expletive] Mexican [expletive] out of you homey! You feel me?"Cobane later kicks the man in the head and another cop kicks him in the hand. The police were investigating a robbery. The individual whose civil...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NJ Governor Ousted Only Black Supreme Court Justice

NJ Republican Governor Chris Christie has not reappointed Justice John E. Wallace to the N.J. Supreme Court. This is the first time that a justice was not reappointed by a governor in the state.New Jersey Supreme court justices must be reappointed to the bench after serving for 7 years. Many are asking if this is about race or politics. Either way, anyone of these two are wrong for New Jersey. Wallace...

Monday, May 3, 2010

She's Notre Dame's 1st Black Valedictorian

Katie Washington, a biological sciences major from Gary , Ind. , has been named valedictorian of the 2010 University of Notre Dame graduating class and will present the valedictory address during Commencement exercises May 16 (Sunday) in Notre Dame stadium.Washington, who earned a 4.0 grade point average, has a minor in Catholic Social Teaching. She has conducted research on lung cancer at the Cold...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Was Obama A Target?

Joseph Sean McVey, 23 had his car parked at a North Carolina parking lot and it was outfitted with police equipment. According to the Citizen-Times, he was carrying a handgun and listening to police radio frequencies near the runway around the time President Barack Obama's flight was leaving Asheville Regional Airport.Police charged him with going armed to the terror of the public, a misdemeanor offense,...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Health Insurer With Female CEO Dropping Breast Cancer Patients

How can a company drop women from their health insurance plans because of breast cancer? This kind of situation shouts no moral compass and maximizing profits at all costs.What is worse is the fact that the head of Wellpoint is a woman. One would think that the benefit of having women as the top executive of the company would eliminate this kind of discrimination. I guess this is similar to an African...

Apple Has Passed Microsoft

Apple is now the second largest company listed on the S&P 500 index. Apple reached a market cap of $241.5 billion; when trading stopped Thursday, Microsoft's market capitalization was $239.5 billion. That put Apple in second behind Exxon.Technically speaking, only about 87% of Microsoft's shares are publicly traded so they are still bigger, but Apple is coming on strong.With their strong line...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

African American Farmers Still Not Paid $1 Billion For Past Discrimination Settlement

Once again, the government was involved in making it difficult for African Americans to be successful in this country.CNN has an interesting post regarding the Pigford Case which established a longstanding pattern of discrimination at the U.S. Agriculture Department against African-American farmers who had applied for farm loans and support from federal programs.The farmers settled the case with the government, but Congress has not come up with the money to pay the African Americans for experiencing...

Harvard University Is Free If Family Earns Less Than 60k

Harvard University has changed their student financial aid policy.According to their website, their new financial aid policy has dramatically reduced the amount families with incomes below $180,000 are expected to pay, and parents of families with incomes below $60,000 are not expected to contribute at all to college costs. They no longer consider home equity as a resource in our determination of...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Judge Cites Ex-Detroit Mayor For Violating Probation

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is learning the hard way that once the system comes after you, it will seem like an unending nightmare.The ex-mayor Kilpatrick pleaded guilty in 2008 to misconduct after sexually explicit text messages became public. He lied under oath about an affair with a staff member. The 39-year-old resigned, served 99 days in jail, agreed to give up his law license, repay...

Tylertown Mississippi Resegregating Schools

One could think that this was 1960 instead of 2010 based on what is happening in some school districts across the country. In Tylertown, MS a federal judge has ordered the Walthall school district to change its attendance policies because they amount to racial segregation.The Obama Administration's Justice Department has been aggressively going after school districts that they believe are seriously violating court orders from decades ago that have ruled against segregating school.Prosecutors have...

Government Appliance Rebates

The Federal government has set aside about $300 million in rebate money to encourage American consumers to buy appliances. The money is being given to all states and some U.S. territories as well. The federal government is hoping to encourage residents to buy furnaces, clothes washers, refrigerators and other appliances with the government’s Energy Star label.This program is similar to the government's cash for clunkers program where people where encouraged to trade in their older vehicle and receive...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Will Your College Bound Daughter Fall Prey To Raging ?

Raging is a recurring, drunken activity that requires consuming large quantities of alcohol before or at a party, and then the night could end in making out with a stranger or acquaintance. These kind of casual hook ups fueled by alcohol are the norm at many college campuses. Unfortunately, there are emotional devastation experiences for many students that are into these hook ups. Some students even...

Lexus Recalls GX 460 Vehicles

Toyota Motor Corp. which owns Lexus has announced a recall of 2010 model year Lexus GX 460 SUVs. The recall is related to an increased risk of rollover.The recall covers approximately 9,400 SUVs. The vehicles are in the United States. Consumer Reports was the first to report the problem. The magazine urged car shoppers not to buy the GX 460 until the problem is fixed.Toyota says Lexus dealers will...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Copycat Announcement: All Blacks Leave Store

Police in Northern Edgewater, New Jersey said that a 14-year-old girl grabbed a Whole Foods supermarket microphone and announced, "All blacks leave the store."The same thing happened in Southern New Jersey at a Walmart store recently.Edgewater police are investigating this incident as a possible copycat situation. According to police, the announcement was made over Whole Foods public-address system Saturday afternoon.The girl, whose name was not released because of her age, is charged with bias...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Free Credit And Money Management Workshops

Operation Hope which is a non-profit, public benefit organization, was founded immediately following the civil unrest of April 29, 1992 in Los Angeles. HOPE is an American provider of economic tools and services. HOPE is an effective facilitator, lender, advocate and educator for and on behalf of the other America. The workshops will include:1. Budgeting2. Understanding Your Credit Score3. Permanently Removing Derogatory Credit From your Credit Report4. Paying Off Debt And Saving Money5. How To...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Legalizing Marijuana Will Be On California Ballot In November

This November, voters in California will have a chance to vote on legalizing the sale of marijuana to adults as well as personal possession of marijuana. Marijuana is a popular recreational drug. It has been studied, argued, and reported that it is less harmful than cigarettes and alcohol. Many African Africans are in prison or on probation because of nonviolent marijuana possession. In many of these cases, the individuals were using marijuana for their personal use.Until marijuana sales and possession...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Saggy Pants Billboards

A lawmaker from Brooklyn, NY has been inspired by the Larry Platt song, "Pants on the Ground." According to Platt who is an American idol and Youtube sensation with almost 6 million hits, says that he was inspired to write the song when he was walking one day and saw a guy with his pants on the ground and a baby bottle in his mouth. State Senator Eric Adams has a message for the youth of America:...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Camden Police Officer Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy, 185 Cases Dropped

185 cases have been dropped or overturned because a Camden NJ police officer pleaded guilty for his role in an operation where he used illegal search warrants, created false reports, and planted evidence on people that he would later arrest. Former Camden Officer Kevin Parry, 29 entered the guilty plea about his role in the conspiracy and that there were at least four other police officers that were involved with him. It really makes a difference when you have a Justice department that is willing...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Top Ten Immediate Benefits of Health Care Reform Bill

As soon as health care passes, the American people will see immediate benefits. The legislation will:1.Prohibit pre-existing condition exclusions for children in all new plans.2.Provide immediate access to insurance for uninsured Americans who are uninsured because of a pre-existing condition through a temporary high-risk pool.3.Prohibit dropping people from coverage when they get sick in all individual plans.4.Lower seniors prescription drug prices by beginning to close the donut hole.5.Offer tax...

Former NBA Bobcats and BET Owner Calls Charlotte Anti-black

Bob Johnson who sold the Charlotte Bobcats to Michael Jordan and also is an ex-founder and owner of BET called the city of Charlotte anti-black to business. Surprisingly, Bob is an African American billionaire, and he is dealing with perceived race related issues in America.Charlotte is a very, how would I call it, close-knit, arrogant, sometimes incestuous town," Johnson, told the Urban Leadership...

Student Loan Bill Passed Is Historic

Once again, President Obama has accomplished one of his top priorities. The Student Loan program will change in ways that will benefit students across the country.The Student Loan bill which was attached to the Health Care Reform bill to give both the best chance of passing will significantly decrease the reliance of private lenders including banks to make loans to students.President Obama wants to...

A Black Man And A Woman Were Needed To Reform Health Care

Health Care Reform required the leadership of a black man in President Obama and a woman, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to do what Democrats have been trying to accomplish since Social Security and Medicare were passed by Democrats decades ago.This is probably the Republicans biggest defeat in decades. They have promised to repeal the Health Care Reform bill once they have the majority again....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Maryland Wants To Secede From The South

Many people in Maryland feel that they have more in common with Northern states than Southern states today. Lawmakers have successfully petitioned to move from the Southern Region of the Council of State Governments to the Eastern Region. This will allow Maryland to trade ideas with other Eastern Region states like New York and Pennsylvania.The council is a place where states within the same region can share ideas on issues suck as transportation, public security, environment, etc. Switching regions...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

African American Charter School Sends 100 Percent Of Students To College

Urban Prep Academy is an all male charter school in Chicago. It has done what many thought was impossible. Every single senior attending the high school has been accepted into a 4 year college or university. This is the school's first graduating class.What is most impressive is that this school is operating in an area where poverty is high and most of their students are considered low income. According...

States May Hold Onto Tax Refunds For Months

Due to the difficult economic times, some states have decided that they may need to delay sending out tax refund checks. These are very difficult times for many states and the recession has caused many states to consider making taxpayers wait up to five months for their refund.It has been reported that New York, hit with a $9 billion deficit, may delay $500 million in refunds to keep the state from running out of cash according to Gov. David Paterson.Officials in the following states say they have...

Health Care Reform Is Very Near?

The Health Care Reform bill will be voted on this weekend. The CBO has projected that the health care bill will save $138 billion in the next decade while expanding coverage to 32 million uninsured.The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is a federal agency within the legislative branch of the United States government. It is a government agency that provides economic data to Congress. The CBO was created as an independent nonpartisan agency by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Honda Recalls Odyssey And Element

The recall includes 344,000 Odysseys and 68,000 Elements from the 2007 and 2008 model years.Honda said in a statement that over time, brake pedals can feel "soft" and must be pressed closer to the floor to stop the vehicles. Left unrepaired, the problem could cause loss of braking power and possibly a crash, Honda spokesman Chris Martin said."It's definitely not operating the way it should, and it's...

Man Lured By Ex, Sodomized

The definition of a scorned woman has taken on a new meaning. Women are showing that they can be quite vicious and revengeful when the relationship ends. This is a moment for Brothers Connected to take note. Breaking up and simply walking away does not seem to be as easy as it used to be in the past.A 29 year old guy spoke with his ex and they booth decided that they desired to reconnect and have sex. His ex, 28 year old Renada Williams had another plan.The guy goes went over to her place and when...

NJ Wal-Mart Probes Racial Comment Over Announcement System

According to the AP, Wal-Mart officials are reviewing security tapes after an announcement was made for "all black people" to leave a Washington Township, southern New Jersey store.Shortly before 7 p.m. Sunday, a male voice came over the public-address system at the Route 42 store in Washington Township and calmly announced: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now."Management later apologized.Washington Township police and the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office are...

Designer Vaginas - A New Trend?

Women are increasingly turning to vaginal rejuvenation to correct issues developed during childbirth. Other women are using this fairly new procedure to correct what they believe Mother Nature made imperfect.During these difficult economic times for surgeons and many other professionals in America, Sherman Leis who is a Bala Cynwyd, PA based plastic surgeon gives some credit to vaginoplasties and labiaplasties for his practice's success.Vaginoplasty is suppose to tighten the vaginal canal and muscles...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Sticking Plaster Seen As Skin Cancer Cure

The high-tech device contains a small light that combines with a chemical cream to kill skin cancer cells.The Ambulight plaster has already been used on 50 patients with a success rate of up to 90 percent. It is suppose to be less painful than surgery and leaves no scar.The treatment is called photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment that uses a drug, called a photosensitizer or photosensitizing agent, and a particular type of light. When photosensitizers are exposed to a...

Utah Politican Resigns Because He Spent Time In Hot Tub With Naked Teenager

Kevin Garn resigned as Utah's majority leader in the legislature after it became public that he spent time in a hot tub with a naked teenager.Even though the event took place 25 years ago, Mr. Garn now 55 years old paid the women $150,000 to keep quiet in 2002. It has been reported that the woman in this story who was a teenager at the time began contacting reporters about the incident during Kevin...

Supreme Court Justice's Wife Involved With Tea Party

Anyone who follows politics, knows that Clarence Thomas is a Supreme Court justice who typically votes with the conservative side of the legal argument. Conservatives in America love him because his votes for conservative issues are very reliable. Many people do not know that his wife is involved in advocating for conservative issues as well. Virginia Thomas recently spoke during a panel discussion...

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