Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mystery Man Wins S.C. Democratic Senate Primary

This is history in the making. A brother named Alvin Green actually ran in the Democratic Senate primary without making his identity known during the campaign.

He is an unemployed military veteran who did not set up a campaign website or raise funds for his campaign. Alvin Green spent 13 years in the Air Force and Army before leaving the Army in August.

Green could not explain his win against a four term state lawmaker named Vic Rawl. Alvin shocked South Carolina's Democratic Party leadership by capturing the nomination Tuesday, and he will face Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint in November.

Senator Jim Demint is a Republican Tea Party favorite who is running for a second 6 year Senate term. Alvin is hoping he is a winner again in the fall.

Alvin Green wants to continue to make history and get South Carolina back to work. South Carolina had an unemployment rate of 11.6% in April 2010 versus the Southern region rate of 9.6% according to the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics).


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