Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marriage And Divorce In America - In Black And White

Marriage and divorce in America are statistics that are almost impossible to find based on race. Interestingly, marriage and divorce are not two categories where blacks are always on the bottom and whites are on the top.

Since marriage in some states is as young as 15 years old, the U.S. Census calculates the marriage and divorce data below based on people in the U.S. who are 15 years old or older.

The numbers are below are from the U.S. Census Bureau SIPP, 2004 Panel. The results below show percentages that are all rounded up or down accordingly.

Percentage of people that have NEVER been married.

Black women - 44%, Black men - 46%
Latina women - 30%, Latino men - 39%
Asian women - 23%, Asian men - 33%
White women - 22%, White men - 28%

Percentage of people married more than one time. Individuals in this group could have married two, three, or more times.

White women - 19%, White men - 17%
Black women - 11%, Black men - 11%
Latina women - 9%, Latino men - 7%
Asian women - 6%, Asian men - 5%

Percentage of people who have been divorced at least one time in their life.

White women - 25%, White men - 23%
Black women - 20%, Black men - 19%
Latina women - 15%, Latino men - 11%
Asian women - 10%, Asian men - 7%


Anonymous said...

Who would ever think that white women marry more than one husband about 2 or 3 times more than women of other races? I would have never guessed.

Anonymous said...

The rate of unmarried black women (44%) is twice the rate of white women (22%).

Anonymous said...

I see so many white men with Asian women. I hope that they continue this trend which will increase the number of mixed Asian/white boys in the country.

This could produce white men in power who become more tolerant as they witness some of the challenges their own sons will experience because they are half Asian.

I read an article about interracial marriages recently. The white male said it saddened him to realize that his son would not have access to some of the same opportunities that he had.

This can be an advantage to interracial marriage. Unfortunately in America, too many people need to actually walk in your shoes before they can feel what others experience.

Mike K

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