Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wake Up! Stats About Black Males

It should be easy to understand why many people believe that the more things change for blacks in America, the more things stay the same. It will be a good day in America when blacks do not fare the worst or toward the bottom in categories such as education, housing, health care, incarceration, income, and employment.

The statistics on black males below are staggering. On another note, black women who are more reluctant to date and marry outside of their race than women of other races do not have to look any further than the data posted below to understand one of the main reasons why there is a shortage of brothers.

1. In 1990 the United States had the highest prison population in the world. In July 2003, the prison population surpassed 2 Million. More than 10,000 inmates in adult institutions are under the age of 18.

2. According to the Justice Department: (i) 10.4% of African American males between 25-29 are incarcerated; (ii) 2.4% of Hispanics; and (iii) 1.2% of White males.

3. In 1980, 143,000 African American males were in prison while 463,000 were in college. By 2000, 791,600 African American males were in prison while 603,032 were in college according to a new study from the Justice Policy Institute. .

3a. Before the prison boom, black men in college outnumbered black men behind bars by a ratio of 3 to 1. After twenty years of harsh criminal justice policies which basically started in the 1980's under a U.S. President (1981 - 1989) and with the popularity of crack cocaine in the 1980's, this ratio has become approximately 1 to 1in favor of black men behind bars when compared to black men in college and universities.

4. According to the Department of Education 46.8% of White 10th graders go to school where there are security guards; 71.2% for African Americans

5. According to the Department of Education 3.3% of White 10th graders pass thru metal detectors to go to school; 21.3% for African Americans

6. According to the Department of Education 1.7% of White 10th graders attend class where windows are barred; 9.3% for African Americans

7. 63% of youth suicides occur in fatherless homes

8. 85% of children with behavioral disorders are in fatherless homes

9. 80% of all rapists are from fatherless homes

10. 71% of high school drop outs are from fatherless homes

11. 75% of children in chemical abuse centers are from fatherless homes

12. 85% of youth in prison come from fatherless homes

13. For every 100 females, between the ages of 20-24 who commit suicide, there are 624 males

14. For every 100 females, between the ages of 18-21 in a correctional facility, there are 1,488 males

15. A black man is the President of the United States.


Anonymous said...

Staggering #’s and a touching photo. 3 out of 4 black males drop out of hs in Balt(75%). Out of all the inmates in jail in Md, 70% of them come from 3 neighborhoods in Balt. In NY & DC, 50% of hs kids drop out.

Anonymous said...

Does a black man in the White House really signify progress in America?

Many people will say yes until they realize that more brothers are locked up today than those brothers that are enrolled in college.

Seems like a step backward to me because the 1980 numbers were much better when you compare the number of men in college compared to the the men in prison.

Anonymous said...

When I see that more brothers are in prison than college, I am blown away. This is a telling stat about black progress in America.

You have to wonder what the President thinks of this statistic.

Anonymous said...

If you only knew how much I want to scream over our plight. I wish I had answers. Watched a show over the weekend called something like Lock Down Tennessee. It is the next phase in prison shows in which prisoners will become celebrities through a reality tv format.

Having a dog in a cage made me realize recently how much of a comparison there is between caged animals and caged men.

I let dog out of cage to eat, eliminate, exercise, etc. I totally control him. For a good part of the day, my puppy is on lock down. I cannot believe how brothers have found a way to make prison life a positive. Not all of us but too many.

Anonymous said...

The stats don't surprise me I would have tougth they would be more negative. its hard out here for men of color. - SB

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