Saturday, June 12, 2010

Historic Picture Of Slave Children For Sale Found In Attic

This photograph of two slave children and an accompanying document were purchased at a garage sale in Charlotte, North Carolina.

This photograph is rare because so many photos of slaves showed them in submissive positions, illustrating the brutality of their condition, and some even showing the scars on their backs from whippings.

One thing is for sure about this photograph. It does not show a hint of happiness anywhere in the eyes or faces of these two children.

The accompanying document mentions that John is for sale for $1,150 in 1854.

"I buy stuff all the time, but this shocked me," Keya Morgan, who bought the photo, told The Associated Press. Morgan, a New York art collector, said he paid $30,000 for the album containing the photograph and another $20,000 for the document.


Anonymous said...

Sad, sad, sad - they look miserable

Anonymous said...

How could humans be so cruel to other human beings? This picture is very different than others I have seen. I have some pictures of slaves with scars on their backs from being beat. People did not even beat their dogs is this way. I wonder what ministers, preachers, and priests thought about slavery during the centuries of slavery.

Anonymous said...

The word, "slave" was originally applied to white people It comes from "Slav," a Russian people captured by Germans.
Black Africans were a free people who were captured and sold, so the proper term is "enslaved"
@ Anonumous "How could humans be so cruel to other human beings you ask. Treatment of enslaved people is not a human act especially in the Carribbean & the US, therefore they are not to be viewed as human beings.
As for ministers, preachers and priests they too were owners.

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