The Health Care Reform bill will be voted on this weekend. The CBO has projected that the health care bill will save $138 billion in the next decade while expanding coverage to 32 million uninsured.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is a federal agency within the legislative branch of the United States government. It is a government agency that provides economic data to Congress. The CBO was created as an independent nonpartisan agency by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.
When the Republicans or Democrats argue against the CBO findings, it generally means that the political party is not in support of a bill being proposed by the other party.
Many thought that President Obama and the Democrats were not up to the task of moving Health Care Reform forward. This is a big moment in the U.S. It is probably the equivalent of passing Social Security and Medicare which Republicans also opposed decades ago.
The Democrats still do not have all of the votes needed but they are fairly close. Since African Americans and Latinos are typically at the bottom of the economic ladder in this country, this bill if passed will be good for both groups.
Health Care Reform will also benefit those individuals who find themselves without a job because they have been laid off due to their company going bankrupt or when the company simply decides to down size. Furthermore, reform will make it easier for someone to leave a job for another one without having to worry about losing health care coverage.
Too many small business' have not been able to buy health care insurance because of the prohibitive costs. Health Care Reform is suppose to lower the costs for business owners in this situation.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
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