Monday, June 7, 2010

Marrying Between Races - See The Numbers

In 1967,the U.S. Supreme Court struck down state laws banning interracial marriage.

A record 14.6% of all new marriages in the U.S. in 2008 were between people of different races or ethnicity. The percentage was 6.7% in 1980 according to a Pew Research Study. It took nearly 28 years for intermarriages of newlyweds to double.

Rate of increase from 1980 thu 2008 of intermarriages as a group.

Blacks - tripled
Whites - doubled
Asians - the same
Latinos - the same

Percentage of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites who married outside of their race or ethnicity as a group.

Asians - 31%
Latino - 26%
Blacks - 16%
Whites - 9%

Percentage of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites who married outside of their race or ethnicity by gender.

Asian women 40%, men 20%
Latino women 26%, men 26%, identical for Latino men and women
Black women 9%, men 22%
White women 9%, men 9%, identical for White men and women

Regional intermarriage rates in the United States in 2008

West 21%
Northeast 13%
South 13%
Midwest 11%

Intermarriage types in 2008 of newly married couples (280,000)

White/Latino - 41%
Both Mixed Races or at least one spouse of Mixed Race or American Indian 17%
Both Non-white 16%
White/Asian - 15%
White/Blacks - 11%

Asian and Latino intermarriage rates when foreign born versus American born.

Latino American born - 39%
Latino foreign born - 12%

Asian American born - 46%
Asian foreign born - 26%

In response to how one would act if a family member was going to marry someone of a different race.
There is a much greater acceptance level if someone in the family marries a white person versus a black person. 81% said it is okay if the person is white versus only 66% if the person is black.

Percentage of people that found ACCEPTANCE with the idea.

White - 81%
Asian - 75%
Latino - 73%
Black - 66%

When asked if one has a close relative or family member from another race or ethnicity, the percentage that say YES are listed below.

ALL 35%
Non White 50%
White 29%


Anonymous said...

Wow! America is changing after all??!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sisters need to date men of other races more often. This is one of the main ways for them to increase their dating and marriage opportunities.

Anonymous said...

I would never guess that Asian women marry other races 40% of the time. That is actually 4 out of every 10 women. That is really a surprise.

I wonder if it is to brake away from cultural norms or attraction to the man with the power.

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