Friday, January 29, 2010

Successful Basketball Coach Convicted Of Molesting Player

Most coaches have the best intentions of their players at heart. There are some coaches that have ulterior motives. All coaches have to be viewed with a certain amount of vigilance by parents.Some coaches have too much access to kids at times. They may offer to drive a child home from practice which is convenient for busy parents. Even though the coach may drop off many players after practice, the...

The Homicide Report & President Obama

The Los Angeles Times has a section on their website that makes it difficult for anyone to forget all of the gun related murders typically involving African Americans and Latinos. Everyone knows that illegal guns is a problem in America. These guns are behind too many of the murders in inner cities. Some of the murders included on The Homicide Report have actually taken place in broad daylight.It is almost like the Wild Wild West in some communities. Interestingly, we do not hear of these criminals...

Three teens arrested in 'sexting' case

Police say 3 teens were arrested after they sent a naked photo of a 14-year-old girl in a text message. This is a situation that took place in Thurston County which is located in the state of Washington.When juveniles are engaged in certain types of sexual crimes, they could possibly have to register as sex offenders. This would be for the most serious sanctions if they are found guilty.The mother of the 14-year-old girl whose naked picture was shared said that out of a lack of self esteem and confusion,...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

9 Year Old Commits Suicide

Montana Lance, a 9 nine old fourth grader went to see the school nurse. He then went into the restroom, locked the door and hung himself. This is a real tragedy.For many people, they cannot imagine kids this young even contemplating suicide. Between the years 1999 through 2006, there have been 33 suicides by kids with the age range of 5 to 9 years old reported is very important to pay attention to mood swings of children. It is also relevant to take note if your child is isolating himself...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Brother Posted On Billboards With Mistress

Gentlemen have to be very careful today. Many mistresses do not go riding into the sunset quietly these days.This is the sort of thing that you'd never expect to happen in real life: the long-term mistress of a married Oracle executive Charles Phillips allegedly spent in the neighborhood of $250,000 in billboards in New York, Atlanta, and San Francisco to out their affair when YaVaughnie Wilkins heard...

Seagram's Continues Jobs Program for African American Men

Recently featured in Jet magazine, the Seagram’s Pursuit of Excellence Institute is a rigorous, four-week training session funded by Seagram’s and administered by the Atlanta Workforce Development Agency, Chicago Urban League, the Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa and the Columbia Urban League.To address rising unemployment among African American men, which is at a record 34.5%, Seagram’s...

The Government Is Hiring Census Workers

The government will hire about 1.2 million temporary workers in the first half of the year to administer the once every 10 years population count.The stimulus bill President Barack Obama signed last February and additional funding by Congress provided enough money to hire 1.4 million Americans in total for the census, almost three times as many as in 2000 when the census was last taken. About 160,000...

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Sumpreme Court And Justices Voting Together

It is quite amazing that the 9 members of the U.S. Supreme court typically fall into one of two camps. These two camps tend to decide cases with a 5 to 4 split. Judged are suppose to review the facts before them before deciding every case. A casual observer of the Supreme Court may conclude that the members are making some judicial decisions based on political affiliation instead of the facts. Supreme Court decisions are too often based on the same block of Justices voting together. Chief Justice...

Government Posting Wealth Of Data To Internet

The Obama administration on Friday is posting to the Internet a wealth of government data from all Cabinet-level departments on a wide range of topics and categories.The mountain of newly available information comes a year and a day after President Barack Obama promised on his first full day on the job an open, transparent government.Under a Dec. 8 White House directive, each department must post online at least three collections of "high-value" government data that never have been previously disclosed.All...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Surburban Poverty Now Greater Than Poverty In Inner Cities

Between 2000 and 2008, the number of poor people living in America rose by 15.4 percent -- nearly twice the growth rate in the overall population in the same period.The poverty rate in American suburbs increased 25 percent during that period -- and is growing significantly faster than the national average and urban rate. Due in large part to suburban population growth and the housing slump, the suburbs now contain the nation's biggest and fastest-growing poor population.The Brookings Institution...

President Obama Has Finally Put On The Gloves

President Obama is starting his second year in office. He gave himself a solid B plus grade for his first year in office back in December. This is how he explained it during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.Obama: Good solid B-plus. I think that we have inherited the biggest set of challenges of any president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We stabilized the economy, prevented the possibilities of...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tylenol Recall 2010

Tylenol recall 2010! Here we are, day 15 of 2010. Johnson & Johnson division McNeil-PPC has issued recalls on the following:•junior strength Motrin•children’s Tylenol grape meltaway tablets•extra strength Tylenol•extra strength Tylenol rapid release gelcap•extra strength Tylenol PM geltab•Motrin caplets•extra strength Rolaids fresh mint tablets•St. Joseph Aspirin chewable orange tabletsFDA response...

Walmart & Claires Pulling Children's Jewerly Feared Tainted

Federal and state watchdogs opened a new front in the campaign to keep poisons out of Chinese imports, launching inquiries into high levels of cadmium in children's jewelry while Walmart pulled many suspect items from its store shelves.The jewelry and accessories store Claire's, with nearly 3,000 locations in North America and Europe, joined Walmart Stores Inc. in saying it would stop selling any item cited in an Associated Press investigation of the presence of cadmium in cheap bracelets and charms....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Federal Judge Cites Discrimination By New York Fire Department

John Coombs, the president of the Vulcan Society, won a racial bias suit against the New York City Fire Department. The Vulcan Society, Inc. is a national organization which aims to recruit and support African-American firefighters.A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that New York City intentionally discriminated against black applicants to the Fire Department by continuing to use an exam that it had...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Will Millions of Lost Jobs Return?

The current recession has placed millions of Americans on unemployment. Unfortunately, men of color are almost always one the first groups let go when there are massive job losses in the country. Furthermore, this group always has had a much higher unemployment rate than other groups in the country.Many of the jobs being lost today may actually never return. Some are calling this recession a "Mancession" because most of the job losses today are affecting men.With the millions of jobs lost in the...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Vanguard Settles Another Racial Discrimination Case

In the first week of the New Year (January, 2010), Vanguard Group announced it will pay $300,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission accusing the Malvern, Pa., mutual fund company of racial bias in its hiring practices.The EEOC alleged in a federal complaint filed in September that Vanguard decided not to hire Barbara Alexander as a financial planning manager because she was black even after she was told during the hiring process, including at roughly 13 interviews,...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tiger Woods Photographed As Dark and Violent

Why must Brothers be portrayed as resembling apes or someone dark and possibly violent? Vanity Fair will follow up Vogue's highly criticized portrayal of Lebron James with a dark, semi-thugged out Tiger Woods. Just imagine Tiger with the tattoos and you can immediately see him in a very different image than the one Tiger and Nike have crafted over the years. By the way, The Lebron and Tiger photographs...

What To Do If Stopped By The Police

For the most part, men of color do not know how to respond when stopped by the police while they are going about their daily life legally. In too many cases, a police officer will stop an innocent person for some reason or another and the person ends up arrested. Many times, a person is arrested because the officer did not like the fact that the person they stopped is questioning the approach and appropriateness of the racial profiling. Expressing one's frustration when a police officer pulls you...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Is NY Post Dead Chimp Obama In Disguise?

The N.Y. Post had a cartoon in it's February '09 paper showing the police shooting a primate. The Post says that "They were just making fun of a story of an ape that was shot in cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy".The ape in the cartoon was related to the author of...

Zero Net Jobs Created in 1st Decade

The world has moved into the second decade of the 21st century. When it comes to jobs growth in the United States, there were zero jobs created from Jan. 1, 2000 through Dec. 31, 2009. This means that more jobs were lost than created during this period. Some people are calling the first decade of the new Millennium, "The Lost Decade"."This was the first business cycle where a working-age household ended up worse at the end of it than the beginning, and this in spite of substantial growth in productivity,...

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