Friday, January 29, 2010

Three teens arrested in 'sexting' case

Police say 3 teens were arrested after they sent a naked photo of a 14-year-old girl in a text message. This is a situation that took place in Thurston County which is located in the state of Washington.

When juveniles are engaged in certain types of sexual crimes, they could possibly have to register as sex offenders. This would be for the most serious sanctions if they are found guilty.

The mother of the 14-year-old girl whose naked picture was shared said that out of a lack of self esteem and confusion, she sent her then-boyfriend a naked picture of herself.

The mother also believes that her daughter was looking for someone to care about her and love her.

One week after she broke up with her boyfriend, police say a group of female students convinced the ex-boyfriend into texting them the photo. This is when the text with the photo went viral.

In one day, students were forwarding the text, and it had been received by students at four middle schools.

Children have to be educated on the dangers of becoming involved in criminal activity which appears to be fun but could actually ruin their lives. Furthermore, children need parents to speak with them about the risks that can come from sharing personal and private things with best friends, boyfriends, and girlfriends which could be used against them if the relationship ended.


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