President Obama is starting his second year in office. He gave himself a solid B plus grade for his first year in office back in December. This is how he explained it during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.
Obama: Good solid B-plus. I think that we have inherited the biggest set of challenges of any president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We stabilized the economy, prevented the possibilities of a great depression, or a significant financial meltdown. The economy is growing again, we are on our way out of Iraq, I think we've got the best possible plan for Afghanistan, we have reset our image around the world, we have achieved an international consensus around the need for Iran and North Korea to disable their nuclear weapons, and I think that we're gonna pass the most significant piece of social legislation since social security and that's health insurance for every American.
There are others who wondered aloud if he was governing in a different way than he said he would as a candidate. Many of the folks thinking this way may not have been so kind if they had to grade him.
After all, unemployment is still at 10 percent or higher. We are still in Iraq and things are not looking great in Afghanistan at the moment. Millions of Americans are still experiencing foreclosure on their homes. Many Americans are also upset that the government bailed out the banks using hundreds of billions of dollars and now some of these banks plan to pay their top employees billions in bonuses.
Some Americans have been thinking lately that maybe Obama is aligned with Wall Street instead of Main Street. President Obama campaigned as a Main Street kind of politician so thinking of him any other way simply does not sit well for some Americans.
After Democrats have lost the New Jersey Governors race back in November and the Massachusetts Senate race earlier in the week, it appears as though an Obama we have not really seen up to this point as a President is emerging.
Today, he announced that he will push for New Banking Regulations that will limit the risky but highly profitable business activities of those institutions that are considered too big to fail. He better be prepared for a fight against Wall Street because they will not accept these new regulations lying down. - Read Story
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