Thanks to Boostup.org, everyone can see the percentage of student dropouts by race in every state of the Unites States.
Unfortunately, there are 7,000 dropouts every day in America. School reforms have clearly not worked over the past decades.
There is an average of approximately 31% of the students in the United States that are dropping out of school. It is unacceptable for only 2/3 of the student population to graduate from high school. America is better than being able to only graduate 66 out of every 100 students.
How can Nevada have such a high average drop out rate which is 58%? Here are the drop out rates for the state of Nevada by race - Latinos 70%, Blacks 69%, American Indian 68%, Whites 50%, and Asian 42%. While this state is one of the worst in dropout rates, there are many others that are also beyond the crisis point.
According to Boostup.org, approximately 1.3 million students do not graduate every year.
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