Monday, January 23, 2012

NY Police Dept. Accused Of A Secretive Lists Barring Blacks From Promotions

A federal complaint has been filed against the NYPD's Itelligence Division over the lack of promotions for Black officers. The compalint has been filed by the NYCLU which is a watchdog group of the New York Police Department.

In the Itelligence Division, there are only 35 Black Officers out of 600 and none of the 35 officers rank higher than Sergeant. This means that only 6% of the officers working in the Itelligence Division are Black.

Out of the 161 Sergeants working in the Itelligence Division, there are only 8 Black officers. This is only 5% of the Sergeants which is much lower than the Black population in New York. The complaint filed states that the issue is about jobs, salaries, and benefits. Read the story.


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