Sunday, August 7, 2011

You Can Become Governor And Run For President With Mostly C's And D's

Students should always focus on doing the best that they can in school. A student's best should always be good enough. As a matter of fact, there are individuals in America that have reached the highest levels of their profession despite being an a below average college student.

One person who comes to mind is Governor Rick Perry of Texas. He is actually in his second term and managing one of the largest states in the country. He is a perfect example of how school grades should not determine how successful you are in life.

At this time, he is considering running for President of the United States. While attending Texas A & M as a college student, he had a below average GPA.

Out of 59 classes, listed on his transcript, he had 2 A's (3%), 20 B's (34%), 27 C's (46%), 9 D's (15%), and 1 F's (2%).

To see Rick Perry's transcript, visit Huffington Post.


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