Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Message About Prostate Cancer Screenings Potentially Confusing

The American Cancer Society has decided to zero in on prostate cancer screenings. They are stating that some people are being screened too often which can cause more harm than good.

African-American men are more likely to get prostate cancer. They are also more likely to die from the disease. Screening is a key to choice and change.

The new message from the American Cancer Society will be confusing for many patients. Many individuals have been told that regular screenings and early detection will give one the best chances of beating prostate cancer if it was to ever develop.

According to a report by Fox News, a statement from the American Urological Association said it disagreed with the new guidelines.

The Atlanta-based cancer society is perhaps the most influential group in giving screening advice. Its new guidance released Wednesday on prostate cancer urges doctors to:

- Discuss the pros and cons of testing with their patients, including giving them written information or videos that discuss the likelihood of false test results and the side effects of treatment.

- Stop giving the rectal exam as a standard prostate cancer screening because it has not clearly shown a benefit, though it can remain an option.

- Use past PSA readings to determine how often followup tests are needed and to guide conversations about treatment.


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