Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Bowl Response Ad Will Not Improve Race Relations

A response Super Bowl ad illustrates why people of color need to be a part of the decision making process.

A young, white superstar college football quarterback Tim Tebow has been tapped to appear in a Super Bowl ad with his mother Pam.

The ad is about saying no to abortion and promoting life. Tim's mother Pam while on a missionary trip with her husband contracted amoebic dysentery and the medicines used for her recovery threatened her unborn fetus.

Doctors advised her to abort the fetus and Pam ignored their advice and gave birth to Tim Tebow. This is the gist of the ad.

Due to religious beliefs, there are many Americans that are against abortions. There is another group of people in this country that do not believe in abortions for a completely different reason.

These are the white Americans that are concerned that they are slowly but surely losing their majority status in America. Since more white women have abortions than any other ethnic or racial group, stopping abortions and promoting life has become a strategy to reverse the declining white population trends.

Abortion rights advocates were surprised that a major broadcast network would allow a political advocacy ad since they have been avoided for years. A counter ad promoting a women's right to choose is now in the works.

This is where it becomes interesting. Ex-Vikings player Sean James and Olympic gold medalist Al Joyner were hired to star in the response ad to Tim Tebow's ad.

It makes all the sense in the world to use athletes in the response ad. However, the decision to use two black men in an ad promoting a women's right to choose versus a white guy promoting life is unbalanced and just stupid at best.

Abortion is an explosive issue in this country. It makes sense to show racial and ethnic balance whenever possible when dealing with such an emotional issue; therefore, it would have have been better to have at least one white athlete in the ad promoting a women's right to choose.

This is needed because too many Americans will see these ads as nothing more than whites promoting life and blacks promoting abortions.


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