Wednesday, February 24, 2010

President Obama Wants School Focus On College And Careers

The President wants to make sure that students attending primary and secondary education schools are either career or college ready when they finish high school.

Obama told a gathering of the nation's governors at the White House that students in the U.S. lag behind by several crucial measures. For example, eighth-grade students rank ninth in the world in math and 11th in science.

He also mentioned that business owners have told him too many young adults do not have the necessary skills to be effective in the job when hired.

Since so many American students do not successfully complete high school and they are not interested in college, it will be great to prepare these students for emerging industry jobs that do not require a college degree. To complete globally, students that are interested in college will need to be better prepared to effectively compete against global competition.

What will America do about the students who grow up in poverty. All indicators show that this group of students make up the largest share of students that do not finish high school.

Even though children make up 25% of the total population in America, they are 35% of the poor population in the country according to the National Poverty Center.

If the Presidents new proposals do not focus on why the poor have fared poorly in education when compared to middle class and wealthier students, will these new proposals and investments make a difference?

Over the years, politicians have talked about increasing education funding for those students at the pre-k and kindergarten level. This will help, but what about all the kids that start falling behind in elementary and middle school. The support of parents which too many students do not have is a big part of the equation which is not being discussed.


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