Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One In Five At School Are Homeless

The Daily news has reported that 1 out of every 5 students at PS 636 located in Brooklyn, NY are homeless. Fortunately, the school was able to hold on to a grant from the Federal government that allows some students to attend an after school program until 6 PM. This is fortunate because they obviously need the after school program and many schools are being asked to scale back on these programs due to the deep recession the country is experiencing. - Read Story

The real issue is why are these kind of stories typically written about minority students one decade after another decade. What changes need to take place in the communities and within the families for these poor students so that they do not become adults that are reading about students of color in the same situation 25 years from today?

Sometimes it really seems as though the more things change, the more they stay the same. For example, not many people would have imagined that is 2005, the United States would have an African American President if they were asked 25 years ago; however, African Americans and Latinos were at the bottom of the economic ladder in this country in 1984 as well as 2009.


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