Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Foreclosure Robo-Signer Speaks Out

Tam Doan says that he didn't have time to actually read the paperwork he was signing, and in some cases, he didn't even know what documents he was putting his pen to.It only took him a second to sign each foreclosure document.That's how good Tam Doan got at his job in Bank of America's pre-sale foreclosure department in Southern California. Read the full sto...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tea Party Candidate Says, Black Men Prefer Drug Dealing To Education

Al Reynolds is considered the Tea Party candidate in Illinois' 52nd District. He has stated publicly that African American men preferred dealing drugs to going to college because it is easier. "I've been in the city and the dichotomy of the women and the men in the minorities, there is a difference in the fact that most minority women, either the single parent or coming from a poor neighborhood, are...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

1 Gun Store Sells Guns Tied To 2,500 Crimes

Since 1992, more than 2,500 guns recovered by police and tied to crimes in the Washington D.C. area have been traced back to their original sale at Realco Guns in Forestville, Md. The total is four times that of the dealer with the next highest number of gun traces.A Washington Post investigation found that a small percentage of gun stores sell most of the weapons recovered by police in crimes. This...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Will Obama Sign Bill Making It Harder To Challenge Foreclosures

Challenging foreclosures could become more difficult for homeowners if the president signs a bill that passed through the Senate last week. The little-noticed bill comes at a time when the validity of foreclosure proceedings across the nation have been called into question.Read the full story.The White House stated that they have some concerns about the bill that easily passed in the House and Senate with little public attention according to Reuters. Read why the the White House has concerns about...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Discrimination Causes African Americans To Suffer Disproportionately From Foreclosures

African Americans suffer more disproportionately with foreclosures than others due to predatory lending practices and discrimination according to a new study.The new study (pdf file) is called,"Racial Segregation and the American Foreclosure Crisi...

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