Sunday, November 15, 2009

Microsoft's Poland Ad Eliminates Brother

In August of 2009, a black man was replaced with a white man in a Microsoft online advertisement intended for use in Poland. An Asian man in the ad apparently made the cut, and appeared in both the Polish and stateside versions of the ad.But the ad's creator(s) missed one small detail. The Asian guy miraculously survived, but only a small portion of the black guy remains. They forgot to Photoshop...

Black Couple Removed From Movie Poster

In the UK, the Couples Retreat movie poster was changed to reflect an all white marketing poster. The studio said it regretted causing offense and has abandoned plans to use the revised poster in other countries... A Universal spokesman said the revised advert aimed 'to simplify the poster to actors who are most recognisable in international market...

10 Year Old Will Not Pledge Allegiance To Country

The Arkansas Times reports on Will Phillips, an elementary school student who refuses to say the pledge of allegiance in school because of discrimination against gay people: "I've always tried to analyze things because I want to be lawyer," Will said. "I really don't feel that there's currently liberty and justice for all." After asking his parents whether it was against the law not to stand for the pledge, Will decided to do something. On Monday, Oct. 5, when the other kids in his class stood up...

8th Grader Suspended For Haircut

The AP reported that in Hamilton, OH a young Cincinnati Bengals fan has been penalized for clipping. Dustin Reader got the NFL team's stripes and "B" insignia cut into his hair as a tribute to the team's good season. When he showed up to school in the southwest Ohio city of Hamilton on Monday, officials put the eighth-grader into in-school suspension. The school said its code of conduct prohibits...

The Way Some In China View Blacks

Some will argue that the more things change the more things will stay the same. While life in America and in Africa has improved for many people of color, the changes have not come to enough people to change the way many in the world including some in China view Black people.While President Obama made his first trip to China, many in China will have an opportunity to think about their feeling about racial discrimination in their own country and around the world.Hung Huang, a Beijing-based fashion...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

NBA Owner Settles Racial Discrimination Housing Lawsuit

The AP reported that the Los Angeles Clippers owner and real estate mogul Donald Sterling has agreed to pay a record $2.725 million to settle allegations by the government that he refused to rent apartments to Hispanics, blacks and to families with children, the Justice Department announced Tuesday. The Justice Department sued Sterling in August 2006 for allegations of housing discrimination in the Koreatown area of Los Angeles. Other defendants were Sterling's wife, Rochelle, and the Sterling Family...

Can You Sue If Framed By A Prosecutor

This story was reported on It is too important not to share the entire article because this situation could happen to any of us. Do prosecutors have total immunity from lawsuits for anything they do, including framing someone for murder? That is the question the justices of the Supreme Court face Wednesday. On one side of the case being argued are Iowa prosecutors who contend "there is no freestanding right not to be framed." They are backed by the Obama administration, 28 states and every...

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